A PPC Journey Begins With The End In Mind

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PPC Overview

In the simplest terms, PPC allows you to put an advert on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) of a particular search engine like Bing or Google. You sign up to their in-house advertising program, create an advert, choose some keywords or phrases to target, select a bid price, destination page, then launch your campaign.  When people see your advert on the internet, if they like the look of it, they will click it and be taken to where you have specified. Simple, right? Wrong.

This is where the excitement begins and our PPC Team love this part.  It’s where the fun stuff happens.  Yes, you can launch a campaign in a matter of minutes (barring editorial review) and you can be live and have your campaign and advert in front of the world fairly quickly, but what good is that without tracking, testing and analysis?  Not very astute from an investment point of view in our opinion.  Huge amounts of precious wasted resources and more importantly money can seep from your bottom line like a pin-prick in a barrel of oil or worse still; rip a hole in the side of your business like an iceberg did the Titanic.  Not good either way.

What actually goes on behind PPC closed doors?

Interpreting lead generation expenditure from window shoppers through to conversion, customers  and profit is where it all heats up, and it’s what we love to study and talk about . The cost-per-click (CPC) for each visitor to your website can vary greatly and this must be tracked in detail, otherwise you can end up massively out of pocket and in the colour we’ll try not to mention or visualise (anyone see red?).

How Complex is it really?

Once you know how to set-up and run a campaign, you will feel confident that there is not much to PPC and you might even dismiss it as a fairly simple process.  In it’s essence as explained above, it is.  However, how much time do you have to carry out the following tasks?

  • Effective Keyword Research
  • Creative Advertising Development
  • Landing Page Analysis
  • Advert Submissions and Changes
  • Optimal Account Settings
  • Bid Management
  • Campaign Tracking
  • Analytics & Analysis
  • Improvements – Daily, Weekly, Monthly
  • Testing, Testing & More Testing

If you have the time to run your business with all it’s other tasks and effectively manage your online marketing efforts with the same professionalism and attention to detail then we salute you.

PPC Service at Mahon Digital

We know how hard it can be to stay on top of every little detail, so why not let us take care of your digital marketing campaigns? We’ll send you the traffic and visitors you deserve and you can take care of providing an exceptional user and customer experience and watch your profits soar.

Mahon Digital is a young company with a team that is not only in the digital trenches working hard to move companies like yours forward across your chosen industry landscape but we are also well positioned on metaphorical higher ground (with our team’s many years of collective industry experience) to work out what strategies are better suited to each of you and how best to achieve your directives.

Please email or call us today for an informal chat, with no-obligation to use our services.

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